About Us
Throughout its history, Agencia Marítima Kenrick del Perú S.A. has represented the most important companies related to foreign trade. Currently, it concentrates specifically and exclusively in the representation of HMM, promoting its commercial development and watching over its interests in the country.
To be fast and agile in responding to our clients’ needs. Our goal is to deliver the best experience in the shortest possible time. The result: to be a partner you can trust.
To contribute to and promote foreign trade, facilitating the complex processes required for international trade between Peru, Europe, the Americas and Asia.
Excellence is the result of people with integrity who work with passion and safety as part of a team.
We apply the best practices of international trade, based on a constant evaluation and search for excellence in the service experience. We provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent injuries and deterioration of the health of our employees, always taking care of the environment and the safety and protection of information.